31 Aug 2020
Total distance walked: 7 miles or 11.1 km
Total Elevation Gained: 1515 ft or 462 metres
Warnings & possible wheelchair access
Warning: Sections of this route include steps, and stiles - not wheelchair friendly. Some kissing gates are narrow. I will be updating OpenStreetMap so that the areas of steps, and the types of stiles are visible. Most of the ground is uneven but when we walked the paths they were mainly dry and firm underfoot - they look as if they will be very slippery in wet conditions.
Dog access
Dog access There were very few stiles with access for dogs, and you will probably have to help your dog over many of the stiles. I did not notice any ‘dog poo’ bins along the route. Some fields do contain livestock.
The North Downs Way has been a long term project for us, which we first started several years ago. Living fairly close to the route made access relatively easy, and we were also able to use public transport for many of the segments. We’ve reached the stage now where we prefer a hike of about 6 miles, although we can exceed this if needed.
Daphne is in the waiting list for a knee replacement, and difficult terrain can make life painful for her. She’s been told that the exercise that she is doing is good, and to keep it up - paracetamol is always in our first aid kit, and she uses walking poles in areas involving a lot of climbing and descending - just about the whole of the North Downs Way, really!
Navigation for the day

I use Osmand+ on my Android phone, and it makes navigating along long distance paths really easy. In this screenshot the North Downs way has the tag Sk2Cy.
Past experience of walking on long distance paths also tells us that they are very well marked. Just watch out for the acorn symbol, and if in doubt check on your mobile phone. I don’t have my phone constantly navigating as the battery will die after a couple of hours of using the GPS within it.
Looking at the map, you could easily imagine that your route will take you along the ridge at the top of the escarpment, but actually you are descending and climbing almost continually, making an interesting but tiring hike - the views are worth it though.

The plan for the day
The weather forecast was good, with little chance of rain, and no significant wind, but it was cold for the time of year and we both carried fleeces. A small lunch, several snacks, and a bottle of water went into the rucksack, joining the cameras and binoculars. Lightweight waterproofs were packed just in case the weather hadn’t read the forecast and decided to surprise us.
The Walk along the North Downs Way
We parked in the car park for the KCC White Horse Wood Country Park, and paid our £1.50 fee for the day. I put a marker on Osmand+ on my phone just in case we were having problems finding our way back to the car at the end of the day, and we set off about 10:30 a.m..
The start of our walk skirted the remains of Thurnham Castle, but we had visited that a few weeks ago, so we didn’t visit today - if you’ve never been there it’s worth spending a few minutes reading the information boards and investigating the ruins.
The start of our walk was along a tarmac single track road, going quite steeply downhill, but we followed this for only a short distance and then walked along a firm but uneven footpath with a dry mud and stone surface. We passed through kissing gates with our path climbing, and then falling. We were often in trees, but the views into the valley were spectacular when you left the trees.

Although there are not many benches along the route, we found a fallen tree which made an ideal seat for a snack break. Several sections of the route involved climbing down steps, and then a short distance later climbing up steps to regain the height we had just lost.

We ate our early lunch sitting in a grassy field with fine views out into the valley.

The Pilgrims Way road route back
Although undulating, the Pilgrims Way road route back is a much easier route to the bottom of the hill below the White Horse Country Park. Up to this point the road forms part of the National Cycle Network, and many cycles were using the road as we walked along it - the cars that we saw seemed to be a little more careful because of this, making the route more pleasant than some roads we have walked.
Although we were enjoying our walk, we were also finding it tiring, and we were pleased to see signs for our turn-round point. We decided to turn the walk into a circular one by descending down one of the byways which cross the route, and then walking along the Pilgrims Way (road - there is also the Pilgrims Way path nearby) back to Thurnham. The climb up the hill from the pub is steep, but it’s easy to smile - you’ve enjoyed the walk and are nearly finished - well done!

The view from Pilgrims Way, up towards the North Downs Way that we had passed along a short time previously.

A pub with outside seating and cold beer - a well earnt prize before we climbed the hill back back to the Country Park and our waiting car.

I (Nick) had taken many electronic notes along the way using an Android App OSMTracker, and as we entered the park I realised that one of the paths was missing from OpenStreetMap.
At home on my laptop:
- In my web browser (I am using Firefox, but it should be the same in most modern web browsers) go to https://www.openstreetmap.org and log into or create your account.
- Click on edit (it doesn’t matter which area of the map I was looking at),
- Using my file manager, I dragged and dropped the OSMTracker file onto my web browser,
- The web browser then changed to show my gps trace, and showed the buttons I had clicked on OSMTracker. I have both a trace showing where I walked, and a point in each place I clicked on a button, so that I can see exactly where to add features such as a kissing gate.
- Using the layers button on the right of my screen I made sure I was also viewing any other GPS traces which had been uploaded by others. It’s worth bearing in mind that GPS traces can be inaccurate, and yours may be 20 metres ‘out’ - use an average all of the available GPS traces for best results.

If you’ve never edited OpenStreetMap before, you will be presented with a very useful walkthrough, which will help you to get going. There are many other guides on how to edit OSM, such as https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners%27_guide.
I’ve done this before, but I often need to check on exactly which tags to add to features, so I usually have one of the tabs on my web browser pointing to the OSM wiki, so that I can check on which tags to use.
Another very useful site for mapping in the UK is https://osm.mathmos.net/, which has a section on Public Rights of Way in the UK, allowing you to read guidance on editing them, but also guidance on any prow’s which may be mssing from OSM.

When I was satisfied I had made all of the needed changes, I clicked on the ‘save’ button. I was then presented with a changeset comment screen. This allowed me to add details of why I had updated OSM, and the sources of my information. This information is very useful to anyone editing the features in the future, but also to anyone who is checking on your changes. Many people monitor OSM, checking to make sure that edits add to the map, and are not vandalism, or accidental errors. You may also click on a tickbox I would like someone to review my edits - useful if you have not edited before and you would like an experienced mapper to check your additions and offer advice.
The changeset comment is visible to anyone checking on changes, and can be the starting point for an online conversation about changes. Most people involved in updating OSM will be involved in conversations about changes at some point. I have queried changes with other mappers, and I have been pleased to receive comments when I have inadvertantly made a change with a typo which needed correcting. We all make mistakes at some point - that’s life!

Having made my changes to OSM, and uploaded them, within 5 minutes they were available on the main OSM map - sometimes it can take considerably longer than this - be patient and refresh your web browser at intervals. Mobile phone apps such as OSMAND usually have new versions of the map available monthly, so it could be 2 months before your edits are available to users of that app.

14 Aug 2020
Daphne & I have spoken about a ‘blog’ for several years. It’s been a strange year, several planned trips have been cancelled, and we’ve never travelled so little. But it does mean we’ve had more time at home - and now it’s time to try out a website blog of our own.
A few of our past travels
We have many interests, and travel has been included in most of them. We also enjoy our family, and find that leaving them for long periods of time is our main regret. However, in this day and age we can generally keep in touch somehow, and most places in the world have an airport nearby if we really need to get back urgently.
We love canal boats and canal holidays, and have had at least one holiday on the canals every year since about 1978.
In 2004 we cycled from Lands End to John O’Groats (LE JOG), staying in Bed & Breakfasts or Youth Hostels. Our two children were now adults and we thought it was time for us to play. Were we fit, healthy and prepared for this trip - ….er No. We were so unsure that we only booked accomodation for the first 5 nights, and planned to have some kind of holiday in Wales if the complete expedition was not working out.

In 2005 we were looking for an expedition to try, and found a Cicerone Guide to cycling the Loire Valley. We were hooked! We were also surprised to find that the total distance involved would be less than the distance we had cycled for LE JOG. It didn’t spoil it for us, but it would have been a really good idea to start at the top of the mountain, instead of the bottom! We found this such a beautiful part of the world that we faltered halfway along the route & had to return the following year to finish it off.
2015 saw us exploring Southern Africa as our holiday of a lifetime (South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and back to South Africa) on an organised tour with the Camping & Caravanning Worldwide Holidays (no longer in existence) - a really wonderful trip which we would never have dreamed we could accomplish. Having completed the tour, we applied for, and were accepted as tour escorts - in 2017, 2018 & 2019 we were tour escorts for those tours. We were scheduled to be escorting a tour to Argentina this year, but the pandemic has led to the tour being cancelled.
Hobbies & interests

We’ve both been involved in one way or another with Kent Search and Rescue (KSAR). Every day in the news you can find some mention of a missing person - there are many reasons; teenagers worried about exams, elderly people suffering from dementia, breakups in relationships, money problems, etc.. The volunteers for KSAR are highly trained, highly motivated, and very professional - and yes, they are volunteers. It’s also surprising what you can do to help them - fundraising is always a problem, so any help there is always appreciated, but there are other ways as well;
- Pretending to be a casualty at one of their training or assessment exercises,
- Hiding in woods so the search dogs can look for you - the dogs need to be trained, assessed, and have to pass stringent assessment exercises - ‘stooges’ are always welcome, and it’s a good topic of conversation afterwards with your friends.
- You could volunteer to undergo the training, and become a ‘search technician’ - one of the volunteers who carries out the searches.
- If you’re not in Kent, then do a little research - most, if not all, parts of the UK have volunteer teams (Lowland or Highland) who carry out these searches.
We’ve both been involved in Girl Guiding and Scouting for many years.
Nick has been involved in https://OpenStreetMap.org since 2008, when OSM’s level of detail of the UK was very poor and for much of the rest of the world it was non existent. Satellite imagery of a kind was available for tracing, but it was so poor that it couldn’t be used with any degree of certainty. Nick cycled along streets, with a gps obtaining traces or tracks which he was able to load into an editing programme, and correct the layouts of the roads - at the same time he obtained the road names and added them. He has also been involved helping Aid Agencies such as the Red Cross & Doctors without Borders create mapping data for remote parts of the world. The Heat Map of his contributions is interesting. As a result of his involvement in training others he went to Sierra Leone in 2016 to help local residents learn to map and carry out surveys. He is still a prolific mapper.
Requirement for our new site
- Nick is a contributor to https://learnosm.org which is maintained using a Jekyll theme, so something along those lines would be ideal as a base - Lanyon is the current favourite.
- Although there will be lots of text, photographing wildlife is high on our needs.
- There’s a good chance we will want to embed a map and following a little research https://leafletjs.com which also has the benefit of being built using OpenstreetMap, Github (where learnosm is hosted) and Jekyll looks as if it will make the whole thing very easy.
05 Aug 1992
In 1992 Daphne, Nick & their two young children cycled from their home in Swanley, Kent, eventually arriving on a lovely campsite in Holland. On their return Daphne & children created a scrapbook - this is the story from it.

Wednesday 5th August 1992
We left Swanley fully laden at about 9.30ish and cycled via Gravesend, Rochester and Rainham. The A249 was very threatening with lots of big lorries.

As we got close to the Kingsferry Bridge it lifted, this was a sign of things to come. We cycled on to Sheerness, 36 miles after leaving home and decided we could not cycle the extra 6 miles to a camp site so we booked up to go on the Olau Britannia at 9pm on the night crossing. We could not book a cabin, but were told that we could use the free couchettes. We went onto Sheerness beach, had fish and chips and tried to wash the chain grease off Natalie’s leg in the sea. The result was that we lost the soap in the sea, it went out at such speed that we thought it might beat us to Holland.
At 7.30pm we queued for the ferry. Bikes go on first so we were aboard by 8pm. A lady on a motorbike started talking to us in Dutch, and we realised how little we knew of the language. Basically she said that the Dutch ride bikes but that the British were better on the design side e.g.. Chris Boardmans bike and ours!!

After waving farewell to England we went down and down and down to the very bowels of the ship to the Free Couchettes (no one would be daft enough to pay to sleep there!). Natalie, Nick and Robert all slept well, but Daphne was not happy as she could not see out, so at 3am got up to climb up and up and up to take the night air. First time Daphne has been known not to sleep.
Thursday 6th August 1992

We arrived in a cold, dark, damp Vlissingen at 7am. We could not find the town but found another lift bridge….up! We also found a cold, dark, damp coast.

The idea was to find a camp site and rest for the day. Concentrating on cycle ways, the change of time and the change of side of the road we missed the camp site. We continued around the coast. The weather got better but every camp site had a fully booked sign “VOL!!” (Initially we didn’t realise this translated as “Full”, and as everyone in Holland cycles, there are no spaces, even for the mad English). We got very used to this little sign. We cycled on around the coast admiring the beautiful sandy beaches and the big boats going past. We cycled to Westkappelle (about 15 miles). In desperation we went to a tourist office called VVV. We were told that the Germans “Invade” Zealand at this time of year as it is their closest beach but they suggested a camp site about 10 miles away. We phoned the camp site and they said that they would hold the pitch for an hour and a half. We got on the road and made the campsite in an hour. The campsite was called Olmenveld and was at a place called Serooskerke. The camp site was quite pleasant with showers, Bliss!!
The total mileage for this day: 25.3 miles. (Some rest!!).
Friday 7th August 1992
We all slept very well, but awoke to brilliant sunshine and only enough food for breakfast. We decided to stay at this campsite for at least 2 more nights to see us over the weekend. We cycled into Veere, a very quaint village about 4 miles from the camp site.

Veere is beside an inland water called Veerse Meere. Veere has a lovely harbour filled with small sailing boats. The village is completely unspoiled and we spent a pleasant morning shopping. We found out that meths for the Trangia cooker is called brand spiritus, there was no blue colour as in England, and it is something that the Dutch use for cleaning windows.

After emptying the local bakers we cycled along the Meere to the sea and found a lovely sandy beach to relax on. Total mileage for the day 12.4 miles.

Saturday 8th August 1992
Up bright and early and into Middleburg, the capital of Walcheren, the Island we are on. Very much the same as any other other town but lots of smaller shops! No Asda!! We found a good camping shop and purchased a brilliant square washing up bowl that you blow up but packs flat. It also doubles as a good fridge for the milk, a very versatile bit of equipment. (The dutch do not seem to have plugs so washing up had become a problem). Having finished the shopping we cycled back to the campsite via Imkerij Poppendamme, a bee farm. Nick could not resist seeing Beekeeping Dutch style, as he kept bees at home in England. We watched a film all about Brother Adam, an English Monk who kept Bees. Nick spoke at great length to the staff about Bee diseases. The rest of us had a drink and cake! It was very very hot, but we walked around the barn looking at all the different hives. Soon it was time to return to the camp site and Nick cooked Hungarian Goulash on the Trangia.
Total Mileage for the day: 11.7 miles.
Sunday 9th August 1992
Nothing moves on a Sunday in Holland so we have decided to stay here until Monday. It is very hot again and a bit humid. We cycled to the coast and then along Veerse Gatdam and on to the more impressive Oostershelderkering, a very large dam with an island in the middle containing a lock to allow large boats in and out. This is a fantastic bit of engineering to protect the coast from flooding. There is a Delta Expo Exhibition all about the Delta Dams, but it was quite expensive to go in and the English version of the tour had finished, they only do an English tour once a day! We instead bought a leaflet about the dams. As it was so hot we then went to the beach. Not unexpectedly the evening gave us a huge thunderstorm, the first of many on this trip.
Total Mileage for the day: 24.9 miles.

Monday 10th August 1992
The weather was overcast at first but dry, we packed everything up and went into Serooskerke to cash another travellers cheque. It then started to rain and it was very wet as we cycled across the Oosterchelderkering. Yesterday it was so hot and dry and today wet and very windy, also the spray from the sea. We cycled across the next island away from the coast to a town called Zierikzee. It was still very wet, we found an oasis… a BP garage, it had loos and sold Snickers, what more could we need! Having crossed the Island of Schouwen Duiveland we went across another Dam Grevelingendam an amazing structure which had another dam going off at a 90 degree angle. Having pedalled a long way we finally saw signs for the campsite we were looking for, but horrors we were too late for the shop at Niewe Tonge (in spite of the efforts of an elderly resident who pedaled with Nick to the shop and hammered on the door!) We have our dinner but no milk, for once Daphne’s forethought in bringing powdered milk was praised and we managed! The campsite was miles down a little road next to a dyke at the edge of Grevelingen Meere. The campsite was quiet and in the middle of nowhere. We wondered why the campsite was protected on all sides by trees, we were to find out why later!
Total mileage for the day: 45 miles.

Tuesday 11th August 1992
We have been on the road for a week now! Clothing which needs cleaning and no milk spur both Nick and Daphne into action. Nick cycles off early to Niewe Tonge to get essential rations and we decide on a rest day to get ourselves more organised. The weather starts off OK, but gets steadily windier. On Nicks return, we have coffee and breakfast with REAL milk. The campsite is lovely but is getting steadily windier. We all went for a walk onto the dyke, it was lonely except for the sheep (all, we imagined, suffering from flatulence as they had been given tons of rotting onions to eat). We looked inland and all the trees had a definite lean (permanent we think) as a result of the wind. We did the washing and rigged up a washing line, it all dried remarkably quickly and we all looked forward to clean clothes tomorrow. This site is very remote so we are moving North tomorrow.
Total miles for the day, Nick only to the shops: 5 miles.

Wednesday 12th August 1992
It rained during the night and with the gale force winds I am surprised that we are all in one piece. The wind was still very strong when we packed up and we had to sit on the tents to stop them blowing away whilst packing up.
We cycled East over Overflakee, across yet another dyke. On the middle Island we found a waterside cafe, we were not sure if it was open, we walked in to loud Country and Western Music, and the Dutchman inside greeted us warmly with a wonderful American accent. He had been in America for some months. We all had a hot drink and an interesting chat. The Dutchman got out his camera and took photos of us on our bikes.
We cycled back onto firm land, across a large bridge which opened at one end to allow a barge through. We are now on another island. It is called Beijerland. We are now in the province of Zuid Holland. At Numansdorp, the next town, Nick tried to use his Mastercard card in an ATM. After a lot of aggravation the card was returned with a little message saying it was invalid at all ATMs as the wrong PIN number had been used. The bank would not cash money on the Mastercard card and we began to realise that our dwindling cash was becoming a problem. (a serious cash flow problem!) We cycled on to a little village called Greup. The Dutch had used poetic licence on the map when using the campsite symbol. We eventually found the campsite about 2 miles away. The weather deteriorated rapidly. We pitched on a little camp site sheltered on two sides by trees and another side by a caravan. As the weather was so grim we went into the restaurant at the campsite. We all had what was described as a healthy omelette, this was in fact a vegetarian omelette and it was very nice. The portions in Holland are very large. We all ate well with biers, coffees and the children had ice cream, all for the total sum of £20. We retired early and a thunder storm was raging outside.
Total mileage for the day: 25.8 miles.
Thursday 13th August 1992
The weather is overcast but dry. We are all packed up by 10.30, this seems to be our new normal. We cycle cross country until we pick up signs for Rotterdam. We ignored our map and followed the signed cycle route which took us through a tunnel on a par with Dartford Tunnel but with a cycle path. We carried on through housing estates and along-side railway lines until by early afternoon we found Rotterdam. It is busy. Nick found a bank and sorted out our cash flow problem. We have to pick up the cash tomorrow. This all took so long that it was now 4pm. We decided to look for a camp site . The VVV office sent us to Rotterdam’s only campsite which takes long term campers and there were some “interesting” people on the site. We decided not to leave the tents and only to stay the one night. It rained as soon as we stopped. The campsite’s only redeeming feature was an excellent washerette. We all stripped down to next to nothing and Daphne washed everything, pillow cases, pyjamas, swimming gear, towels and all clothing. The dryer was also good so by 9pm everything was dry and away. At 3am Natalie awoke to a wet sleeping bag, she had slept against the side of the tent. Natalie slept with Mum and Dad. At 5am Daphne awoke to a wet sleeping bag as she had rolled off of the groundsheet. We all got up at 7am to dry sleeping bags!
Total mileage for Thursday: 17.2 miles

Friday 14th August 1992
Weather drier but not much. Early start to dry sleeping bags. By the time we have finished with the dryer there is a queue! We got packed up quite early and on the road to Delft. The road to Delft certainly looks better than the road to Rotterdam! Nick had got to pick up the cash from Rotterdam so the plan was to cycle to Delft and Nick then to cycle back to Rotterdam. The road to Delft is little more than a fietspad which runs alongside the Schie Canal. It is very picturesque with Mr GC Grebe and enormous barges. We were amused by the habit of driving the car onto the barge, a sort of park and sail! We were enjoying the scenery when surprise, surprise, it started to rain, suddenly and before we had chance to put on waterproofs, after a few minutes it just as suddenly stopped. We arrived quite quickly in Delft and after a few small detours we arrived at the campsite Delfts Houte at 12.33. The camp reception was closed from 12.30 to 13.30 and there was a large VOL sign outside. The site looks nice. We unloaded Nick and sort of set up camp outside the reception while Nick pedalled back to Rotterdam. At 13.30 the reception opened and as we only had two small tents they found room for us. What a relief. The campsite is set in the local park, it has a swimming pool, restaurant, hot water in the wash basins and most importantly, TOILET PAPER. We have come to judge the standard of campsites by the toilet paper. Daphne & the children moved the bags and chattels, and booked in for 2 nights to allow a look around the area on Saturday. Nick arrived back about 5:30 having done 30 miles since leaving us, and most importantly with money in his pocket. This campsite is bliss after last night, it’s clean, friendly, and all families. After dinner we went for a walk around the park and the weather is also improving, so we celebrated with a bottle of wine.
Total mileage, Daphne & children: 10 miles, Nick: 38.8 miles.

Saturday 15th August 1992
A really beautiful day, dry and sunny. We did not get up very early but slowly got ourselves organised and followed the signs for Delft Centrum. On the way we saw signs for De Delftse Pauw Pottery, so we followed these. We arrived at the pottery together with a coach load of Japanese tourists, complete with Nikons, snapping at everything including our bikes. Unfortunately on Saturdays they do not hand paint the pottery, but we were given a thorough tour of the small pottery including the shop. This is one of only two potteries remaining that make genuine hand painted delft pottery.

Having resisted the temptation to spend a fortune, we followed the canal into Delft itself. As we entered Delft we found the flea market. We also found a pretty bridge over a canal, surely the only one of its kind, and carefully locked our bikes to it. We slowly browsed our way around the market and bought a miniature coal scuttle, for Nick’s mum’s dolls house. We slowly meandered around Delft craft market, fruit market, art market, and next to every market there was a canal and a pretty bridge over it. After about 2 hours we tried to find the bikes - “Easy” you may think. Every bridge and every canal in Delft look very similar. We searched in vain for a long time, and gradually became more worried. No silva compass here. Eventually we worked out our position by the direction of the church tower, and how clean some faces of the tower were. Half an hour later we found the bikes. We quickly did our food shopping, including buying Gouda in a blue label, with herbs, which was delicious. We ate our lunch dangling our legs over the edge of the canal.

We returned to the campsite and had a relaxing afternoon swimming. Robert found a new way to get around - all the craze with the Dutch children. You brake by pedalling back. Pity the photographer could not get all of his head - apparently he moved.

In the evening we went for another walk and found the horse drawn bus. They were waiting outside a nearby restaurant for a wedding party. We have realised that the time is getting on, and if we want to go to Gouda we must move on tomorrow.

Having spoken to several people we have decided to give the floriade a miss. We have been warned it is expensive and vastly overrated.
Total mileage today: 5.2 miles - a relaxing day.
Sunday 16th August 1992
The weather is overcast but dry. We packed up and moved on by 10:30 am., which is our usual time. We found a fietspad which took us to Pijnacker and the outskirts of Zoeternmeer, the closest we get to the floriade. Gouda, as the crow flies, is not far from Delft but the roads that we were directed along took us the long way around. The rest of our journey was on a cycle path alongside the main road, the A12. We reached the outside of Gouda by early afternoon. The weather is slowly deteriorating and it is obvious that rain will follow shortly. As we pedal into Gouda we see a sign for a campsite in the direction we want. Having gone around Gouda’s one-way system, and having lost any sense of direction, we follow the signs for a campsite. As we arrive at the campsite it starts to rain, and worse still, this was not the campsite we were aiming for. We decide to cut our losses and camp here.
The lady at the campsite smiled sweetly as she told us she puts all the cycle campers together on the island. We pushed our cycles along a track past the toilet block (no loo paper, a sign of the standard), and over a small bridge onto an island about 15 feet wide and 50 feet long. We pitched our tents with a 3 feet wide path between us and the water. There were pedalos and canoes regularly going past, front and back. The weather really started as we finished erecting the tents, another thunder storm! A fellow cycle camper remarked that we have water in 5 directions - 4 sides and from above.
It’s Sunday again, and we have not been able to buy any milk. This campsite is way out of Gouda and there are no open shops for miles (Nick can vouch for that, he has been miles looking).
We cooked all the pasta (a slight miscalculation) and had this with chicken supreme. There was so much pasta left that Daphne added milk powder and sugar, and we ate it with a tin of pears. We were not sure if it tasted good because it was good, or because we were hungry and it was wet. Still tomorrow is another day. We all retired early and after lectures to Robert and Natalie about falling in the water at night when visiting the distant facilities, we slept.
Total mileage for the day: 26 miles.

Monday 17th August 1992
We awoke early - it is still raining, but we do not want to stay here. We get up early and are packed and ready to go by 9:30 am. We cycled back to Gouda but found that all the shops stay closed until after lunch. We have a family conferance and we decide not to stay in Gouda even though we wanted to see a cheese factory. The weather improves and the sun comes out, so we decide to head South. After a minor hiccup in the navigation we get off main roads onto very rural fietspads. The weather gets better and we are really enjoying a lovely morning when an elderly Dutch cyclist going in the opposite direction trys to tell us something. The Dutchman spoke no English, but by sign language (two forefingers stuck out from his head), and a few ‘moos’, we gathered there was a bull loose ahead. We decided to go bravely on, and after about a mile saw a large brown bull peacefully grazing beside a narrow fietspad. We slowly cycled past, Nick realising he was wearing a red ‘T’ shirt. After we went past we cycled like crazy. Natalie & Robert nearly took off when we joked that the bull was following. We tried to tell the local farmer, but there was no one at home, so we cycled on.
At Krimpen A/D Lek we were confronted by a large river with no bridge, just a small ferry with enough room for about 6 cars. We went across the ferry to Kinderdijk, a small ordinary Dutch village until we cycled about 1km, when all of a sudden we were in the middle of about 18 windmills, a cafe, a large souvenir shop, lots of coaches and lots of people (mainly Japanese). We stopped for a coffee and then cycled on through the windmills, which really were impressive, dodging all of the people until we stopped for lunch at a picnic area.

After lunch we cycled on to Papendrecnt with the intention of cycling across a river bridge to Dordrecht. We then saw a sign to Dordrecht via ferry, which was 3km shorter than our cycle route - plan changed! This ferry was a very small foot ferry with just enough room for pedal cycles.

We cycled several times around Dordrecht and then decided to cycle to Willemsdorp, about 8 miles outside Dordrecht. We phoned the campsite and they said they could accept us up to 10pm. We arrived there about 7:00pm. This had been a very long, but enjoyable day. The campsite had lots of facilities, but we were only staying short term, and we were given a small threadbare pitch near the motorway.
Natalie and Daphne went for a shower, but somehow in the 50 yards on the way back to the tent, Natalie got lost, and it took half an hour to find her. Nick found her upset but safe at the other end of the campsite, a great relief to all.
Total mileage for the day: 35.7 miles.

Tuesday 18th August 1992
The weather was dry but cloudy. The dome tent is showing distinct signs of wear - it has split along the bottom at the back. We have managed to buy some strong sticky tape, but don’t know how long our repair will last. There is no launderette at this campsite and we have decided to move on again, hopefully to somewhere we can stop for a day or two. We have been on the road for two weeks.
We packed up & moved off at 10:30am, immediately crossing a large motorway bridge which went over a large, wide, river “Hollands Diep”.
Having crossed the river, or inland sea, we decided to follow the motorway to really crack on. We do not know how far we will get but we want to get past Roosendaal. The weather gets better and we keep going at quite a pace. We arrived on the outskirts of Bergan Op Zoom in the early afternoon. The weather is sunny and after going past a large Canadian war cemetery we find signs for the campsite we are looking for.
The campsite is very pleasant, with new washing up and washing facilities, and there is hot water on tap. Also on site is a good play area and swimming pool, and a Launderette (a real luxury!). The campsite is set in woodland and the launderette is through the wood.
In the evening we went for a long walk in the woods to a sandy lake.
Total mileage for the day: 27.2 miles.

Wednesday 19th August 1992
We were woken, not too early, by the sound of a minibus reversing and a taped voice “Caution, vehicle reversing”. On investigation we found that the youth of Manchester were camped next door.
We are having an easy day today. We go into Bergan Op Zoom itself and after a short detour around a business estate we find the main town, and spend a small fortune on bike bits in a wonderful bike shop. On the way back we have our lunch in a very pleasant park. The weather is warm so having gathered our shopping we find our way back to the campsite for a swim.

In the evening we again go for a walk through the woods, and end up at the same cafe for a plate of chips and a drink.
A pleasant easy day.
Total mileage for the day: 9.1 miles.

Thursday 20th August 1992

Yesterday was such a lovely day we decided to stay and go across the border into Belgium today. We awoke to rain and more rain. As the day progressed it got worse and we all played Sorry, Scrabble, Cards and then Nick told us a potted version of The Hobbit. Daphne went off to the Laundrette to get the washing bang up to date. We revised our plans. The plan is now to go for a short ride when the rain stops! But it didn’t! Just after lunch we went to the shop for some light relief but Daphne got stung by a wasp on the back, it had flown up under her T shirt. The rain finally stopped at 6pm. We cycled into Bergan Op Zoom for an evening meal. We find a nice restuarant with a covered veranda. After sitting for a few minutes overlooking the square, guess what? it rained, not just a bit, we had a full blown thunderstorm. We had to abandon the veranda when it let the rain in. We had a lovely meal of Weiner Schnizel (the spelling may not be right!). The rain stopped to allow us to cycle back to the camp site. This really has been the worst day for weather, we really could not get out.
Total mileage for the day: 6.1 miles. We are hoping for better weather tomorrow.

Friday 21st August 1992
What a change! The weather is warm and dry and sunny. Unfortunately we must move on as we have been warned that we may not get a campsite in Zeeland so we must move towards Vlissingham. We are getting good at packing and we can now pack in three quarters of an hour from tents up to fully packed bikes ready to leave. We stayed at De Nolle Camp site near Vlissingen. This was a very long way but we followed the cycle route along the main roads and it was well marked.
Total for the day: 52.2 miles and we cycled at an over all speed of 6.3 miles an hour.

Saturday 22nd August 1992
A rest day today and the only trip of note was to Macdonalds at Middleburg.
Sunday 23rd August 1992
Our last day in Holland today and we got ready for the ferry tomorrow daytime to arrive in Sheerness tomorrow evening. We did last minute present shopping today ready for the ferry tomorrow.
No mileage today.
Monday 24th August 1992
Early start to catch the ferry today, as always we were put on the ferry first which meant we were out of the way of the cars. Uneventful crossing, we went to the cinema on the ferry, cant remember what we saw but Robert and Natalie enjoyed it. It was soon time to get off the ferry and Molly and John, Gran and Grandad met us and took all our luggage to the campsite. I did not know that there were hills on Sheppey but there certainly are and our camp site for the night was at the top. We had fish and Chips with Gran and Grandad and they took any luggage we did not need to carry home the next day, dirty washing for a start!
Mileage for the day: 10 miles.
Tuesday 25th August 1992
We got up and packed for the last time. Not so much to pack today. We left and were back home by mid afternoon.
Mileage for the day: 39.01 miles at an average speed of 5.2 miles and hour. We are certainly getting fitter on the bikes and Robert and Natalie have really started to make a difference with their pedalling. Especially Natalie, who sometimes pedals forwards now!
The mileage on this holiday with two small children was 466 miles over 20 days. Bet that not many children of 6 and 8 do that sort of mileage and cycle camp as well.
01 Apr 1975
Daphne’s Father, John, was a self employed builder and decorator. Molly, his wife, had an ‘uncle Ned’ who lived near the canals in a large, but delapidated house, which John was called upon to help to maintain, whilst Molly & the children (Daphne & John) worked in the garden. On days off they investigated the local canals, but wanted to know more.

In the pictures
- 1st picture: Uncle Ned’s friend, Molly, Daphne in a red jumper, Uncle Ned in flat cap.
- 2nd picture: John, Uncle Ned’s friend, Molly & Uncle Ned in flat cap.
Whilst Daphne was at school she completed a project on the Grand Union Canal, the M1 of the canal world, which extended from London to Birmingham.
At one point the family hired a small outboard powered boat on the canal at Husband’s Bosworth - this nearly ended in disaster when they explored a tunnel, and the propellor pin broke - frantic paddling got them to safety, and didn’t dampen their thirst for more.
When the family inherited a little money from ‘Uncle Ned’ they decided to spend it on a canal holiday. This was the start of a long running family love of the canals and narrowboats.
1975 - first holiday (narrowboat Dudley)
In 1975 the family hired narrowboat (NB) Dudley from Anglo Welsh Narrowboats at Wootten Wawen & completed the Avon Ring.

Daphne about that first holiday
“We were very excited when we got there, and went to the Navigation Inn for a meal before taking the boat out. The man at the hire basin showed Dad how to work a lock, accompanied us to the first lock, and he then walked back to the base.
The weather was not good, and it snowed at times during the week. It was Easter and very cold most of the time, so we stayed in the boat a lot of the time.
On the first night, we had to put a gang plank down, and our dog, ‘Gay’, fell off the plank into the canal. Dad pulled her out.
We went down to Stratford, arriving on the Sunday morning. Peggy was cooking a roast chicken dinner, and an American tourist stuck his head in the door and said “What time’s the lunch tour?” - we explained there wasn’t a lunch tour, and that we were a private boat.
We went onto the river Avon, with people waving at us from the theatre, and we waved back. Then we realised they were trying to stop us going over the weir, and we turned round and went back the correct way.
I don’t remember much about going down the Avon, but we followed it to Evesham, and then continued on, into the river Severn. There were big boats on the river Severn, and our narrowboat seemed very, very, small. I can remember on the river Severn that the river was quite high and fast flowing.
We got to Worcester, and we turned right into the Worcester and Birmingham canal through Diglis basin. I can remember that the weather had been so bad, and when we went into this canal it was sunny, which seemed strange. We all had to work very hard to get up the 30 locks at Tardebigge - we had not been through many before this.
Shortly after Kingswood junction we went through Wast Hill tunnel which seemed very long.
I remember we were running short of time, and we had to start very early some mornings, and carry on until it was getting dark.
On the locks on the Stratford on Avon canal we met a one-armed lock keeper who told us that someone had operated the locks wrongly which had caused a flood which lifted the tarmac in the pub’s car park (The Boot).
We were very pleased when we finished, it had been a hard introduction to canal boating, but very satisfying.
It certainly gave us an apetite for more canal holidays.”